Very interesting. I shall need to read this a couple of more times to get my head around it. Just to make the point that there is no covid-19, the alleged covid pandemic is a psyop from start to finish and the monumental effort on all the legal stuff being based on the premise that there is a covid-19 is essentially hot air from the getgo. It's all so utterly ridiculous. What a pantomime.
It seems to me a " Good" outcome is only defined in Law as how it benefits The Law... and who benefits or profits from a decision not what laymen think it may mean.
I'm not sure whether the jail's are too full of people that can't pay their parking fines but I know NT jail's are full.
Good defined by Law.-
1. Valid; sufficient in law; effectual ; unobjectionable.2. Responsible; solvent; able to pay an amount specified.3. Of a value corresponding with its terms; collectible. A note is said to be “good”when the payment of it at maturity may be relied on.
Very interesting. I shall need to read this a couple of more times to get my head around it. Just to make the point that there is no covid-19, the alleged covid pandemic is a psyop from start to finish and the monumental effort on all the legal stuff being based on the premise that there is a covid-19 is essentially hot air from the getgo. It's all so utterly ridiculous. What a pantomime.
It seems to me a " Good" outcome is only defined in Law as how it benefits The Law... and who benefits or profits from a decision not what laymen think it may mean.
I'm not sure whether the jail's are too full of people that can't pay their parking fines but I know NT jail's are full.
Good defined by Law.-
1. Valid; sufficient in law; effectual ; unobjectionable.2. Responsible; solvent; able to pay an amount specified.3. Of a value corresponding with its terms; collectible. A note is said to be “good”when the payment of it at maturity may be relied on.