Some stories of the new holocaust would/should make a best seller. A true crime novel, a crime that was perpetrated upon ALL Australian's.

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It makes you ill. These submissions make it so abundantly clear that what happened is unconscionable in the extreme ... and so utterly absurd. I simply don't understand how there aren't people involved in dealing with these submissions who don't recognise it. It's simply amazing. How many people are looking at these submissions and simply glossing over them? I haven't read all of them yet. I feel for the nurse who felt she was doing the right thing but then realised she was causing harm ... but then I feel for everyone.

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Thankyou so much for this. And the most thanks for every single person who submitted these statements. I am up to #1290 and I cannot take anymore today, The absolute heartbreak is ringing in my ears. Yet I cannot help but think that they tried to break us and failed. None of these writers sound broken. Angry, dismayed, appalled, dislocated, injured, I hear that. About to submit to crap grubby government dictates I am not reading. How these commissioners could have interpreted this as "a lack of trust" is dumbfounding. These people must be sociopaths. But thankyou because I did not realise how much I needed to read this. Four years on and my love for these people has given me succour. My disdain for the perpetrators of these myriad crimes is still crystal clear. Never comply.

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Reading (some of) these submissions is heartbreaking & despairingly sad. How did we, as a so called free country, so willingly allow this to happen? It gives an insight into how quickly & easily people 'submit' when government & media work hand in hand. So sad!

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This needs to be made into a book.

Abi Roberts has done something similar. https://abiroberts.substack.com/p/we-the-people-627

Edit: I was also thinking a play. I have tagged Cafe Locked Out in a note about this. The Mandate Monologues.

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Yes it does. Thank you Shifted Paradigms and EDAU.

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Excellent idea.

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The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has now deleted the submissions off their page and shafted them off to Trove, which only has a snapshot of the webpage so you can no longer read and download submissions.

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We have been assured by the DPMC that the link to Trove will be added to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry Page and that all links (pages 11-41 which are presently inaccessible through Trove) will be available. We can provide the pdfs if you need them :)

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well done this is excellent and i have shared it. heartbreaking. My heart especially goes out to the 40yo police officer with a pregnant wife to support who was dismissed from his job, having done nothing wrong. My heart fairly broke reading about how they put that stain on him of 'misconduct' for refusing the jab when advised to by the doctor having had covid already, and how that has meant he can't apply for jobs which his expertise suits him for. My heart breaks for you because I drive the northern beaches and i bet you've been on my bus.

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Thank you for this!

Testimony from more actual Heroes in this dark tale, the ones who stood against tyranny/globalists and for medical ethics. They deserve their jobs back, with all back-pay, and be eligible for immediate raises in wage & position - the higher the better.

#fightpfake #fightpfraud #stayhuman

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Thanks for this. Most helpful as we move forward. Let's keep on keeping on!

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'THEY' have an agenda.

'THEY' have no intention to listen to the people who 'they' are meant to be subservient to.

'THEY' will push 'their' agenda, regardless.

'THEY' commit crimes and will cover-up until the end of time.

'THEY' are controlled by Zionists, many are Zionists.

Zionists publicly promote that the Goyim have no value (are not human), and thus no crime has occurred.

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