That is one of the best pieces of analysis of a shocking dataset that I've ever seen on susbtack. Bravo. Incredible legwork and crystal clear breakdown. This should be national and international news.
One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently 'run the show' in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities. I assume it is a similar story in Australia?
The pension systems are broke. How to make an immediate and large-scale impact on these unfunded liabilities while setting in motion numerous other long sought objectives?
The parasites that sit atop the global financial system have spoken openly about this "problem" for over a decade and do so more brazenly these days.
I think it is impossible to escape the conclusion that part of the Covid tyranny was to eliminate large chunks of the elderly who are on fixed pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners.
How to fix this problem? They would never do that would they? Some people are afraid to face these realities.
The US pension system is projected to be completely broke by 2027. Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don't look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won't do "whatever it takes" to maintain that system and their power is naive.
Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street- Berkshire-Hathaway own the world. Wall St-BIS-Bank of London, IMF etc. move the money. The likes of NATO are the enforcer of such operations at the macro level.
All of what they needed to do was easily accomplished- incentives, coercion and mandatory protocols. And they are continuing to push protocols and incentivize procedures to euthanize as many pensioners as they can.
If this was true in Australia, then 2020 was a drop in the bucket and only a trial run. The deaths were very low by comparison to 2021-ongoing. But it has likely set in motion the gerontocide.
It's time we discuss the piece of this sordid Covid puzzle regarding the elderly who reside in nursing homes/care centers/LTCF’s- this too like all else Covid is a complete lie. To tell half-truths or to purposefully de-contextualize a situation of this magnitude is to knowingly manipulate the facts- it is to lie.
It’s not quite true to say Covid-19 targeted the old and the sick. Thousands of elderly died because the management of their drawn-out death was withdrawn. Those crimes are being hidden by the trick of “with coronavirus”, or indeed “from coronavirus” – it hardly matters.
Based on watching interviews and reading reports there seems to be a consistent pattern of how the situation with those in care centers has been handled in Madrid, London, Milan, Brussels, Stockholm and NYC.
How it works in the best of times is that when one is placed into an LTCF it does not mean that that person stays in that facility all the time. What it does mean is that that person is most always in a situation where their health has deteriorated significantly, there are complex health problems where constant care is required. So where is that person, in normal times, when they are not directly in that care facility? In the hospital.
Many of these individuals, most of them, shuttle back and forth from care facility to hospital. They go from the care facility to the hospital when they have a dramatic downturn in their health and life-saving medical treatment is required. Once at the hospital they are stabilized in a matter of 3-7 days on average and then sent back to the care center. Most of these individuals yo-yo back and forth between care facility and hospital until they die.
It’s important to understand, that while it varies some from country to country and from care center to care center, on average once one enters a care facility that person will be deceased in 6-12 months. Here is a report from 2010 which speaks to this:
Once the patient is stabilized in the hospital they go back to the care center. If they were not to be stabilized the patient would descend very rapidly and be dead within a week, two weeks at most in most cases. Again keep in mind we are talking about individuals who are already in severe health crisis with very complex health issues.
What is happening now with the care center to hospital rotational is very different which has created the conditions for a “bulk” rate of deceased elderly. It has little to do with "Covid" per se and once again points to a social problem not a viral problem.
The changes are such that now we are seeing that once an individual is sent to the hospital for whatever cause they may have (“Covid” or otherwise) and then stabilized they go back to the nursing home as before although many are being dismissed prematurely (due to fear of overcrowding which never happened) and are also being sent back to care facilities that do not have the proper medical capabilities to care for them in their current condition.
But where the dramatic change has occurred is that after being temporarily stabilized (or not) and returned to the care center there will not be a next rotational once the inevitable downward spiral begins again. Combined with this has come an increase in Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders.
Once this happens, not being allowed to return to the hospital in the midst of another health downturn for stabilization amounts to essentially a death sentence.
A climate of neglect and fear prevails.
In practice this adds up to institutional euthanasia as public health policy.
Compounding this is the fact that with this climate of fear and hysteria throughout care centers these facilities are finding that workers are withdrawing from care centers, calling in sick, skipping shifts etc.- a perfect storm for an already understaffed and underfunded social service.
And through all of this let’s keep in mind that these nursing home deaths (deaths caused by neglect and abandonment) represent about 50% of the stated “Covid deaths” throughout Europe.
And keep in mind that these inflated numbers of “Covid deaths” of the elderly, whom government officials neglected, are being used to justify draconian measures by those very same governments. It is not possible to be more cynical than this."
These patterns of cruel, murderous or at least egregiously incompetent (following authority and groupthink) care for the elderly take place in a broader context of profound ill-health due to inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Almost all people today are living with immune systems which cannot function properly due to an inadequate supply of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Many types of immune cell need a good supply of this, by diffusion from the bloodstream, in order to run their intracrine (inside each individual cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells, typically of different types) signaling systems. These systems are required for individual cells to alter their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances. These systems are unrelated to endocrine (hormonal) signaling. They have only been understood by a few research teams in the the last decade or two. Very few immunologists or doctors have heard of them, much less understand them. Most people who write vitamin D research articles have either no knowledge of these, or only a vague understanding of how they work and how important they are.
25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol is made primarily in the liver, by hydroxylating ingested or ultraviolet-B -> 7-dehydrocholesterol skin produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. About 1/4 of this vitamin D3 goes into circulation as the 25-hydroxyvitamin D the kidneys need to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism.
The immune system needs 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D in order to function properly - as can be seen in this analysis of post-operative infections according to pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at Massachusetts General Hospital: journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085. Please see Figures 1 and 2 in the PDF, which do not appear in the web version of the article.
50 ng/mL is 2.5 times the level governments and many doctors consider adequate for good health - but this lower level, 20 ng/mL, is just what the kidneys require in order to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. Most people with modest vitamin D3 supplementation (1000 IU or less a day, as recommended by governments and many doctors) and/or a little ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin have levels around 20 ng/mL. Many people have less than this - and some, especially the elderly and those with black or brown skin, have as little as 5 ng/mL
There's very little vitamin D in food, including that which is fortified with vitamin D3 or the less effective D2. Far from the equator, UV-B in sufficient quantities to appreciably raise 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is only available in the middle of cloud-free summer days, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. This same UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Please see the research on vitamin D and the immune system cited and discussed at: https:// This includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount. This is a gram every 22 years, and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
As we age, our skin becomes less effective at producing vitamin D3 in response to UV-B irradiation. We also tend to spend less time exposed to UV-B light from its only natural source - high elevation sunlight. Those with brown or black skin produce even less vitamin D3 in response to UV-B light.
I wrote two comments at: comments about how low 25-hydroxyvitamin D is likely a major, easily correctable, cause of the well-known health disparities between African Americans and Americans of European ancestry.
Doctors, immunologists, virologists etc. should have been paying much more attention to vitamin D3 supplementation decades before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this would be at odds with their aversion to simple, non-medical, explanations and treatments for a very wide range of health problems. It would be also contrary to the campaign of ignoring and dismissing vitamin D research which is run by the pharmaceutical industry and their corrupted supporters in the mainstream media and government agencies. See vitamin D researcher Bill Grant's 2018 article "Vitamin D acceptance delayed by Big Pharma following the Disinformation Playbook" https:// See also Dr Pierre Kory telling Tucker Carlson that "They [the pharmaceutical industry and too many doctors] are "scared of vitamin D": https:// (transcript https:// with-tucker).
Even a doctor of the highest-possible rank - Professor of Medicine, Peter Ebeling, Head, Department of Medicine, Monash University - was ignored when he pointed out the need for vitamin D3 supplementation among those most affected by the pandemic in Victoria, in August 2020: the elderly, especially in care homes, and those with dark or black skin and who had sun-avoidant lifestyles. At that time, most COVID-19 cases outside nursing homes were among recent immigrants from Africa and the Middle East, in particular suburbs of Melbourne. Many of those worst affected were Muslims. https:// between-vitamin-d-and-coronavirus/12566324.
If hospitals and aged care homes were really caring for their patients / residents, the first thing they would ensure is that they all get proper vitamin D3 supplementation, since every one of these people need it. However, even when these people are most vulnerable, approaching the end of their lives, the system supports the mistaken, corrupted, beliefs of too many doctors that vitamin D3 supplementation is not necessary for good health.
In 2020, Joseph and Carol Williams reported on this from the South of England: "Responsibility for vitamin D supplementation of elderly care home residents in England: falling through the gap between medicine and food" The title and first sentence: "Daily vitamin D supplements are recommended for elderly care home residents; however, they are rarely given and vitamin D deficiency in care homes is widespread." tell us that the situation is bleak for most residents of aged care homes.
Those are BRILLIANT receipts. Thank you for sharing.
The scale of the carnage in the UK is off the charts and not really comparable with Australia, but the same patterns, although smaller, were definitely evident.
So saddening.
Only public PBS national data is available it seems, not State or Territory prescribing.
Seems Eastern Suburbs got off lightly. Although my MIL died in one of them in late January 2020. For those not from Melbourne the Eastern suburbs are where the privileged live (although my MIL was from Aspendale which was working class). The deaths seem to be concentrated in the Western suburbs which are still working class mostly.
I'd imagine that these protocols and treatment weren't applied at the time, but the quality of "care" in RACFs was shocking anyhow as the Royal Commission had exposed.
That's an interesting take, and wasn't something I'd considered.
It would mirror the harsher lockdowns and restrictions on the working-class suburbs in Western Sydney too whilst the beaches remained open in the Eastern Suburbs (affluent area) of Sydney.
Luckily my wife and daughter were able to get back to Melbourne for the funeral at the time. A few months later and they would not have been able to. I wonder what Dan is up to now.
That is one of the best pieces of analysis of a shocking dataset that I've ever seen on susbtack. Bravo. Incredible legwork and crystal clear breakdown. This should be national and international news.
Thank you for reading and for the kind words.
The data for 2021 is unbelievably worse.
I'm still wading through it and will start writing this piece soon, but sedative use was off the chart in Australia in 2021.
Superb piece.
One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently 'run the show' in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities. I assume it is a similar story in Australia?
The pension systems are broke. How to make an immediate and large-scale impact on these unfunded liabilities while setting in motion numerous other long sought objectives?
The parasites that sit atop the global financial system have spoken openly about this "problem" for over a decade and do so more brazenly these days.
I think it is impossible to escape the conclusion that part of the Covid tyranny was to eliminate large chunks of the elderly who are on fixed pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners.
How to fix this problem? They would never do that would they? Some people are afraid to face these realities.
The US pension system is projected to be completely broke by 2027. Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don't look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won't do "whatever it takes" to maintain that system and their power is naive.
Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street- Berkshire-Hathaway own the world. Wall St-BIS-Bank of London, IMF etc. move the money. The likes of NATO are the enforcer of such operations at the macro level.
All of what they needed to do was easily accomplished- incentives, coercion and mandatory protocols. And they are continuing to push protocols and incentivize procedures to euthanize as many pensioners as they can.
If this was true in Australia, then 2020 was a drop in the bucket and only a trial run. The deaths were very low by comparison to 2021-ongoing. But it has likely set in motion the gerontocide.
I wrote the following on May 27, 2020:
"Are the Elderly Dying from "Covid" or Neglect?
It's time we discuss the piece of this sordid Covid puzzle regarding the elderly who reside in nursing homes/care centers/LTCF’s- this too like all else Covid is a complete lie. To tell half-truths or to purposefully de-contextualize a situation of this magnitude is to knowingly manipulate the facts- it is to lie.
It’s not quite true to say Covid-19 targeted the old and the sick. Thousands of elderly died because the management of their drawn-out death was withdrawn. Those crimes are being hidden by the trick of “with coronavirus”, or indeed “from coronavirus” – it hardly matters.
Based on watching interviews and reading reports there seems to be a consistent pattern of how the situation with those in care centers has been handled in Madrid, London, Milan, Brussels, Stockholm and NYC.
How it works in the best of times is that when one is placed into an LTCF it does not mean that that person stays in that facility all the time. What it does mean is that that person is most always in a situation where their health has deteriorated significantly, there are complex health problems where constant care is required. So where is that person, in normal times, when they are not directly in that care facility? In the hospital.
Many of these individuals, most of them, shuttle back and forth from care facility to hospital. They go from the care facility to the hospital when they have a dramatic downturn in their health and life-saving medical treatment is required. Once at the hospital they are stabilized in a matter of 3-7 days on average and then sent back to the care center. Most of these individuals yo-yo back and forth between care facility and hospital until they die.
It’s important to understand, that while it varies some from country to country and from care center to care center, on average once one enters a care facility that person will be deceased in 6-12 months. Here is a report from 2010 which speaks to this:
Once the patient is stabilized in the hospital they go back to the care center. If they were not to be stabilized the patient would descend very rapidly and be dead within a week, two weeks at most in most cases. Again keep in mind we are talking about individuals who are already in severe health crisis with very complex health issues.
What is happening now with the care center to hospital rotational is very different which has created the conditions for a “bulk” rate of deceased elderly. It has little to do with "Covid" per se and once again points to a social problem not a viral problem.
The changes are such that now we are seeing that once an individual is sent to the hospital for whatever cause they may have (“Covid” or otherwise) and then stabilized they go back to the nursing home as before although many are being dismissed prematurely (due to fear of overcrowding which never happened) and are also being sent back to care facilities that do not have the proper medical capabilities to care for them in their current condition.
But where the dramatic change has occurred is that after being temporarily stabilized (or not) and returned to the care center there will not be a next rotational once the inevitable downward spiral begins again. Combined with this has come an increase in Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders.
Once this happens, not being allowed to return to the hospital in the midst of another health downturn for stabilization amounts to essentially a death sentence.
A climate of neglect and fear prevails.
In practice this adds up to institutional euthanasia as public health policy.
Compounding this is the fact that with this climate of fear and hysteria throughout care centers these facilities are finding that workers are withdrawing from care centers, calling in sick, skipping shifts etc.- a perfect storm for an already understaffed and underfunded social service.
And through all of this let’s keep in mind that these nursing home deaths (deaths caused by neglect and abandonment) represent about 50% of the stated “Covid deaths” throughout Europe.
And keep in mind that these inflated numbers of “Covid deaths” of the elderly, whom government officials neglected, are being used to justify draconian measures by those very same governments. It is not possible to be more cynical than this."
I wish I was paying attention in 2020 like you were.
Everything you had written in May has come to pass and now there is evidence to confirm your suspicions.
These patterns of cruel, murderous or at least egregiously incompetent (following authority and groupthink) care for the elderly take place in a broader context of profound ill-health due to inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
Almost all people today are living with immune systems which cannot function properly due to an inadequate supply of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Many types of immune cell need a good supply of this, by diffusion from the bloodstream, in order to run their intracrine (inside each individual cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells, typically of different types) signaling systems. These systems are required for individual cells to alter their behaviour in response to their changing circumstances. These systems are unrelated to endocrine (hormonal) signaling. They have only been understood by a few research teams in the the last decade or two. Very few immunologists or doctors have heard of them, much less understand them. Most people who write vitamin D research articles have either no knowledge of these, or only a vague understanding of how they work and how important they are.
25-hydroxyvitamin D calcifediol is made primarily in the liver, by hydroxylating ingested or ultraviolet-B -> 7-dehydrocholesterol skin produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. About 1/4 of this vitamin D3 goes into circulation as the 25-hydroxyvitamin D the kidneys need to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism.
The immune system needs 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D in order to function properly - as can be seen in this analysis of post-operative infections according to pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at Massachusetts General Hospital: journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/1782085. Please see Figures 1 and 2 in the PDF, which do not appear in the web version of the article.
50 ng/mL is 2.5 times the level governments and many doctors consider adequate for good health - but this lower level, 20 ng/mL, is just what the kidneys require in order to perform their role in regulating calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. Most people with modest vitamin D3 supplementation (1000 IU or less a day, as recommended by governments and many doctors) and/or a little ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin have levels around 20 ng/mL. Many people have less than this - and some, especially the elderly and those with black or brown skin, have as little as 5 ng/mL
There's very little vitamin D in food, including that which is fortified with vitamin D3 or the less effective D2. Far from the equator, UV-B in sufficient quantities to appreciably raise 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is only available in the middle of cloud-free summer days, without glass, clothing or sunscreen intervening. This same UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Please see the research on vitamin D and the immune system cited and discussed at: https:// This includes recommendations for how much vitamin D3 to supplement, from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, as ratios of body weight with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity. For 70 kg (154 lb) without obesity, 0.125 milligrams (5000 IU) a day is a good amount. This is a gram every 22 years, and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.
As we age, our skin becomes less effective at producing vitamin D3 in response to UV-B irradiation. We also tend to spend less time exposed to UV-B light from its only natural source - high elevation sunlight. Those with brown or black skin produce even less vitamin D3 in response to UV-B light.
I wrote two comments at: comments about how low 25-hydroxyvitamin D is likely a major, easily correctable, cause of the well-known health disparities between African Americans and Americans of European ancestry.
Doctors, immunologists, virologists etc. should have been paying much more attention to vitamin D3 supplementation decades before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this would be at odds with their aversion to simple, non-medical, explanations and treatments for a very wide range of health problems. It would be also contrary to the campaign of ignoring and dismissing vitamin D research which is run by the pharmaceutical industry and their corrupted supporters in the mainstream media and government agencies. See vitamin D researcher Bill Grant's 2018 article "Vitamin D acceptance delayed by Big Pharma following the Disinformation Playbook" https:// See also Dr Pierre Kory telling Tucker Carlson that "They [the pharmaceutical industry and too many doctors] are "scared of vitamin D": https:// (transcript https:// with-tucker).
Even a doctor of the highest-possible rank - Professor of Medicine, Peter Ebeling, Head, Department of Medicine, Monash University - was ignored when he pointed out the need for vitamin D3 supplementation among those most affected by the pandemic in Victoria, in August 2020: the elderly, especially in care homes, and those with dark or black skin and who had sun-avoidant lifestyles. At that time, most COVID-19 cases outside nursing homes were among recent immigrants from Africa and the Middle East, in particular suburbs of Melbourne. Many of those worst affected were Muslims. https:// between-vitamin-d-and-coronavirus/12566324.
If hospitals and aged care homes were really caring for their patients / residents, the first thing they would ensure is that they all get proper vitamin D3 supplementation, since every one of these people need it. However, even when these people are most vulnerable, approaching the end of their lives, the system supports the mistaken, corrupted, beliefs of too many doctors that vitamin D3 supplementation is not necessary for good health.
In 2020, Joseph and Carol Williams reported on this from the South of England: "Responsibility for vitamin D supplementation of elderly care home residents in England: falling through the gap between medicine and food" The title and first sentence: "Daily vitamin D supplements are recommended for elderly care home residents; however, they are rarely given and vitamin D deficiency in care homes is widespread." tell us that the situation is bleak for most residents of aged care homes.
I posted this comment to both: and
Some receipts from the British data:
I wonder if it is possible to acquire such receipts for the State of Victoria especially.
Those are BRILLIANT receipts. Thank you for sharing.
The scale of the carnage in the UK is off the charts and not really comparable with Australia, but the same patterns, although smaller, were definitely evident.
So saddening.
Only public PBS national data is available it seems, not State or Territory prescribing.
I'll keep searching.
You're a legend mate. Thank you so very much for digging around in that data cesspit.
Has anybody named all of these 9 rest homes in Victoria? And the other one wherever it was.
Yes, it's hyperlinked in the article and also at reference # 2. It's publicly available here:
Seems Eastern Suburbs got off lightly. Although my MIL died in one of them in late January 2020. For those not from Melbourne the Eastern suburbs are where the privileged live (although my MIL was from Aspendale which was working class). The deaths seem to be concentrated in the Western suburbs which are still working class mostly.
I'm sorry to hear about your MIL.
I'd imagine that these protocols and treatment weren't applied at the time, but the quality of "care" in RACFs was shocking anyhow as the Royal Commission had exposed.
That's an interesting take, and wasn't something I'd considered.
It would mirror the harsher lockdowns and restrictions on the working-class suburbs in Western Sydney too whilst the beaches remained open in the Eastern Suburbs (affluent area) of Sydney.
Luckily my wife and daughter were able to get back to Melbourne for the funeral at the time. A few months later and they would not have been able to. I wonder what Dan is up to now.
Chairman Dan is likely not playing golf at Portsea, we can be sure of that!
The reason I didn't go is because our budget could not stretch that far.